CEREC Crowns

In today’s busy world, convenience is becoming increasingly important for people, even when it comes to dental procedures.  Technological advancements have made it possible for patients to undergo dental restoration in just one visit, as opposed to the several visits typically required to complete the work. Many dentists and their patients are finding the convenience and ease of the procedure to be very beneficial. 


Crowns are full-coverage restorations that are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break or is too broken down to be restored with a filling. They are most commonly done after root canal treatment, or when a large filling wears out. The larger the hole made by a cavity that has to be treated, the more likely a crown will be needed. Even after a filling is put in a large cavity, a tooth is more likely to break. Keep in mind that the jaw muscles are the strongest in the human body. Teeth are subjected to tremendous pressure. Crowns ride over the weakened tooth, providing strength and protecting the tooth against breakage. A broken or cracked tooth is a far more serious matter and much more difficult to treat. Crowns prevent this, as well as make for a nice smile.

What are CEREC Crowns?

Traditionally, a crown takes at least 2 visits to be completed.  At the first visit, the dentist takes an impression of the tooth.  This impression is then sent off to the lab in order to design the proper crown.  The patient must then return to the dental office to have the crown set in place.  CEREC crowns offer the convenience of just one appointment to get the process completed.

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramis.  Modern technology allows for the creation and placement of a crown, inlay, onlay, or veneer in just a single visit to the dental office.  A 3-D camera is used to capture an image of the tooth, which is then uploaded onto the computer software.  The software enables the dentist to create the restoration.  Once the restoration design is completed, the information is transmitted digitally to the milling unit.  The crown is created in a matter of minutes.  The dentist is then able to crown the tooth, and the procedure is complete in just a single visit.  

  • The technology is great for patients with anxiety about dental procedures
  • There is no need for a temporary crown since the patients leave the office with the correctly fitted crown all set.  This reduces the discomfort that a patient may have felt with the temporary crown in place.
  • The crowns are made from a high quality ceramic material that is long-lasting and highly durable.

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6:30 am-5:00 pm


6:30 am-4:00 pm


6:30 am-4:00 pm


6:30 am-3:00 pm





